Englisch 9.-13.12.

Hello again, we read the story "A great team" (Bp. 54-56) and work in our workbook on page 34. After that we look into "Study skills" (Bp 58) and the "VARNDEAN teen Zine" (Bp 64-65). We also start with different Christmas songs and probably unit 3 (Bp. 72-74). Have fun, [...]


Englisch 4.-6.12.

Hello again, here are the topics for the classtest: The next class test is on December 3rd.  The topics are: Superheros, Friends und Fragebildung in Simple Past Hörtext verstehen und Fragen beantworten Lesetext verstehen und Sätze richtig vervollständigen unregelmäßige Verben im simple past und past participle bilden Fragebildung im Simple [...]


Englisch 25.11.-3.12. mit Videos

Hello again, this coming time we work in unit 2 "Friends and heroes" and practise for the class test: Book pp. 48-51 Workbook pp. 30-31 The next class test is on December 3rd.  The topics are: Superheros, Friends und Fragebildung in Simple Past Hörtext verstehen und Fragen beantworten Lesetext verstehen [...]


Englisch 18.-22.11.

Hello again, this week we work in unit 2 "Friends and heroes" Book pp. 44-47 Workbook pp. 24-25 The next vocabulary test will take place on Tuesday, 19th November. The topics are: vocabulary pp. 42-44 forms of irregular verbs: do, have, made, be, go, sleep, hang out, eat Have fun, [...]


Englisch 11.-15.11.

Hello again, this week we finish open exercises for the simple past. Book pp. 30-35 Workbook pp. 10-25 After then we start with unit 2 "Friends and heroes". Book pp. 42-44 The next vocabulary test will take place on Tuesday, 19th November. The topics are: vocabulary pp. 42-44 forms of [...]


Experiment Gelenke – Link zum Video

Liebe 6a, ich komme leider erst jetzt dazu, den Link zum heutigen Experimente-Video in euer digitales Klassenzimmer zu stellen. Entschuldigt, die Verspätung und bis morgen, liebe Grüße - Frau Goldbeck Link zum Video bei YouTube: Nawi-Experiment: "Warum Gelenke nicht quietschen" (youtube.com)


Englisch 14.-18.10.

Hello again, this week we look into the simple past. We start with the song (https://playout.3qsdn.com/e8e302a7-f593-4e7a-8a53-9e187100edf2) from book page 14  number 1 and 2. Than we look into  the Simple Past. Here is a little explanation: https://playout.3qsdn.com/f0e6a0f5-b8ee-11e9-8d5b-0cc47a188158. Please note down the usage from the following overview (Simple Past Übersicht) or [...]


Englisch 7.-11.10.

Hello again, this week we practise for the up-coming class test on Thursday. In our book we work on the pages pp. 12-13 https://playout.3qsdn.com/bcb86a94-2c90-46cd-ba2e-631e043a4119 reading: pp. 16-17, number 6,7,8 https://playout.3qsdn.com/6d354e5b-b33b-4c47-9b13-ac12316e4a0f listening: p. 19, number 2 https://playout.3qsdn.com/65591a2a-136f-4d24-a4d9-5cfeb065d831 film: p. 27 number 1 and 2 https://playout.3qsdn.com/7e508aee-cab1-4abd-b37f-662467b93040 On Friday we finish our book [...]


Themen und Übungschwerpunkt 1.KA

Dear class 6a, here are the topics for our 1st class test on the 10th October. Listening: About my summer holidays Reading: Read and understand a text, answer questions etc. Writing: Writing a few sentences about my summer holidays. Grammar: Using the present progressive correctly. Exercises you can find on: [...]
